Thursday, May 02, 2002

Hello Hello

So last night I was about to go to bed, and my brother came up to tell me a story he heard on the news. He told me that apparently a woman in Joliet had a baby and named it Winston Nascar I-Rock. Naturally, this sounds like something that could happen in J-town, so I was excited at yet another good Joliet story. However, he informed me that he was joking, and it actually happened in Ohio. After I got over my disappointment, I realized how many good stories I have to share about my life in the Southwest suburbs, many of them involving mullets, Nascar, and petty criminals. Also, our local publication, the Herald News often has thrilling, well-written stories, including their hard-hitting Police blotter (highlight: "Man steals Honey Buns") that I feel everyone needs to experience, especially friends who have moved to Lisle and don't get the joy of a Herald News subscription any longer. So I decided to start Whiskey Tango-Tales from J-Town in order to share my adventures with friends and family. Highlights will include the aforementioned Herald News items, adventures at the local bars, and other amusing observances. Now that summer's on its way, Joliet's finest will be out in their muscle shirts and ready to party, and I'll be reporting on all the dirt.
And, yes, I know this design is butt ugly. Unfortunately the template designs tend to be pretty bad. But I felt that the "eternal flame" of this design was the least offensive. Speaking of which, does anyone else think the new Shakira song "Underneath Your Clothes" sounds EXACTLY like "Eternal Flame"? Trust me, it does.


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