Guess I'm "Painting the Town" Cheez-It Orange This Week
So the first edition of "Emily Paints the Town" was in the paper this week. Here's a link to the column, unfortunately photo free. Whoever came up with this week's title is AWESOME, and I'd give you Kudos if I knew who you were and if I had any. I was very dismayed to see that the print version has an error of the "its/it's" kind in the last paragraph, as I work hard against those types of errors, being a future teacher of American and all, but for some reason it's different in the online version so I'm hoping it wasn't my grammar error originally. Otherwise Shannon might kill me. Since there are no photos online, I've included the picture that accompanied the column in this post. I'd add in my logo, but I don't know how to put PDF files on this page. Have a lovely weekend!
Possible explanations for the origin of Polar Bar:
a) It's open all winter for those who like to drink outside, like those crazy Smirnoff guys.
b) Outdoor bar sits atop ancient glacial deposit from the ice age.
c) They serve partially gelatinated non-dairy gum-based frozen beverages.
Well I have to say no to Part C, because they have "real ice cream!"
I cant understand why it's in the newspaper!
Feel free to expand upon your opinion, I'm curious.
Hey Emily, just blogged your column, how often will it be appearing?
Weekly. The pressure is mounting!
Regarding its/it's: Get used to it. Their going to "fix" you're stuff like that a lot.
That's hilarious.
Em, I tried to blog about your column, but my computer (el machina del diablo) decided to go insane AFTER I had written extensively but before I had posted it. Infernal contraption.
I love your column and was very pleasantly surprised to see a good headline.
Also, the Grammar Nazi promises to go easy on you.
How much do you get paid? Yeah.....don't quit your day job. Aside from the bad article you're kind of cute.
How much do you get paid? Yeah.....don't quit your day job. Aside from the bad article you're kind of cute.
Who cares about the cheeze its? shut up! Thank god Shannon didn't go with, she is smarter now than I am after reading this trashy article. How did this get published? And who cares about your boring social life and boring socially unaccepted friends? Why do I feel like I am reading a page out of a stuck up 16 year old suburban white girls diary? You are no carrie bradshaw. have a nice day.
Who cares about the cheeze its? shut up! Thank god Shannon didn't go with, she is smarter now than I am after reading this trashy article. How did this get published? And who cares about your boring social life and boring socially unaccepted friends? Why do I feel like I am reading a page out of a stuck up 16 year old suburban white girls diary? You are no carrie bradshaw. have a nice day.
I'm also smarter because I have figured out how not to double post. And I can spell "Cheez-Its." But other than that, I'm sure you're a friggin' genius and have oodles of interesting and "socially accepted" friends. Clearly someone cares about Em's outings, or this site wouldn't get tons of hits or generate responses, so the joke's on you.
Wes, is that you? I think I recognize the complete lack of a sense of fun and the stick up your ass.
Em, you've finally made it: A nasty anonymous comment AND a hilarious Mope 'N Whine entry. I think you're dangerously close to achieving all your goals in life. ;)
If you don't like it, don't read it. Ok, back to hanging out with the lepers.
The fact that you care how you spell a snack product is sad, almost as sad as wondering what real ice cream is and continously refering to an inside joke (Swolley) that you expect the readers to get. If you have to explain your joke in the article don't write it. and by the way, who is Wes? he must be a winner. If your goals in life are to recieve a nasty comment and a mope and whine entry.....hooooray!! lets all celebrate. Idiots. Where is the next place you all are hanging out? I'll bring the stick from my ass as a gift. And by the way, I still think Emily is cute but not as cute as Wes. Don't you people have jobs?
And by the way some of us have shity computers that don't work right because we don't have a rich daddy. have a nice day
go white sox
Em, you are no jack kenn...oh, wait, wrong person. Hopefully Anonymass brings the stick to the next outing so we can beat him with
Kim, you rock with your Dan Quayle insult. Also, I tried to vote for your costume but I don't know if it worked. I voted flapper, since that's what I'm going to be this year.
I'm not gonna feed the troll anymore. If you post anonymously, no one cares what you have to say.
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