Saturday Oooh Oooh
Update: I got an internship downtown (oooh oooh!)
The excitement of Saturday began during a trip to Louis Joliet Mall. While I spotted many men with tails, my mom had a more exciting spotting: Damian Anderson! Apparently's Northwestern's former Heisman trophy candidate was home for the weekend (he lives in nearby Wilmington, a town known for rednecks) and had to get his shop on at the mall. My favorite "DA" story is the time he brought 40's of malt liquor to class.
Saturday night we celebrated Shanny's graduation (magna cum laude and an English award, way to go Shanny!) from USF at The Foundry in Aurora. The Foundry, near Fox Valley Mall, is an old movie theater converted into a restaurant/bigass sports bar. It's a fun place to go with a group of friends, but not the best place to socialize with new people. Jake and I theorized this is because of the extremely quiet music. Also, the music that is played basically sucks ass, to be blunt. Sorry, sports bars and O-Town just don't go together. However, there was a big group of us so we had a ton of fun. We did make one new friend, though, in an odd but typical for our group of friends way. Melanie, Leslie, Jake, Shanny, Melissa and I were standing by the bar waiting to get shots (mmm Goldschlager). Melissa noted that a lad sitting at the bar looked like Nate from the back. I jokingly said, "Nate!" then commented that he was in Minnesota for the weekend. The guy at the bar turned around and said, "Did somebody say Dave from Minnesota?" I said, "No, but are you him?" He pulled out his ID and indeed, he was Dave from Minnesota. Dave recently moved to the Chi-town area from Minnesota and knows not a soul in the area, perhaps coming to the bar to making new friends. He joined our group for the rest of the night and seemed like a nice lad, though I didn't chat with him too much. The other new acquaintance I made at the Foundry, one I definitely hope to see more of, is Sauza Diablo. The bartender told me it's basically a margarita in a bottle, and I'd have to agree. I tend to be a typical Mike's Lemonade, foofoo drink loving girl, so this works great for me. On the other hand, the new Captain Morgan rum and coke in a bottle does not come highly recommended by Leslie Ferguson. Though I didn't encounter any guys saying, "Shit!" this weekend, I did walk by a group of guys at the Foundry who responded with "Oooooh!" (unfortunately, not in the Ludacris style). While a baby step up from "Shit," I was still not impressed with this line. However, it was a definite step up from my favorite pick up line, yelled by men in the parking lot of Heroes at Melanie and I a few months ago: "Where are you going? We have condoms!"
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