Just Like Heaven
On the radio-the aforementioned. I love the Cure, but I especially love the little goth baby on South Park that looks like Robert Smith. Wow, I almost forgot about the very special "Robert Smith vs. Barbra Streisand" episode of South Park. Mecha-Streisand, Mecha-Streisand.
This is going to be a quick one because I'm leaving work early for what promises to be a very entertaining weekend, but I've been slacking lately and wanted to post. What have I been up to lately? School, watching TV (I love the Bachelorette this season, the guys are actually cute), work, and trying to go out despite the crappy weather. I went to see "In Good Company" earlier this week. Excellent movie, it reinforced my love of Topher "Much Better than Ashton" Grace, and was really funny. Three and a half stars. In terms of the bar scene, a bunch of us went to Sapphire a couple weeks back. It was a great time, but the crowd seemed. . .hoochier than usual. I really did not need to have a random skank dancing in front of me on the bar when I was just trying to enjoy my chocolate martini. I worry about the skanktitude of Sapphire, as in a couple weeks, they will be having a "Pajama Jam." Wendy and I went out a couple Thursdays ago, but were unable to find the Thursday hot spot. Samy's was packed but somewhat sketchy, and other bars were fairly deserted. Our new pal Bartender Brad of Jamison's and Sapphire informed us that this time of year is the low point in the bar season (a valley in the line graph, if you will), and things start getting better around St. Patrick's Day.
Last Saturday, Melanie and I went to Heroes to see the aforementioned White Trashistan perform. Let's just say that our high hopes were not satisfied. I think White Trashistan has some work to do to live up to the awesome image of their name. While I enjoyed their rendition of "Baby Got Back," the rest of their performance was unimpressive. Oh well, attempts were made.
Ok, that's all I have for now. More news later!