The truth is, you look like Satan. A kind of hot version of Satan, but still, Satan. His head is gigantic! Anyway, I love INXS: Rock Star. Watching Dave Navarro get emotional is way too amusing. My picks to win: Mig or Marty. Jordis is awesome, but call me sexist, because I can't see a woman fronting INXS. I don't think that "Cover Gurl" Jessica Robinson will win, or should, but I hope she's around for a while because it's all about local celebrities.
I know, it's been a while since the last update. I've been busy finishing my summer classes and working on some upcoming fun for the H-N. Details to come as I get them. Speaking of H-N, let's look to the blotter and such first. Note: there was a Happy Ad a couple weeks ago that featured a guy asking a girl to "ride with him" again. I don't think he was her bus driver.
Food smeared on car
JOLIET — Vandals have left food on a woman's car numerous times in recent weeks, tossing items from a fast-food restaurant on it every few days, police said.
The 24-year-old resident of Marble Street reportedly told police, "someone keeps dumping Kentucky Fried Chicken food on her car. Potatoes, macaroni and cheese and sometimes sauces," according to a police report.
The food causes no permanent damage to the woman's white 1995 Pontiac Grand Am, police said.
The most recent incident occurred overnight Tuesday, as Wednesday morning the woman "noticed potatoes on her car," police said.
Glad to know it's only sometimes sauces, and that there's no permanent damage. If it was Boston Market chicken and sometimes sauces, there's no way they'd get it off.
Pit bull stolen
JOLIET — A woman told police her pet pit bull was stolen from the yard of her Ottawa Street house Monday.
The woman told police she believes the pit bull, a 9-month-old named "Snoop," was stolen from her yard at some point before 3 p.m. Monday.
The yard was not fenced, police said, and the rope that supposedly was securing Snoop was badly frayed.
The woman insisted the dog was stolen, however, as the rope was "triple tied" to Snoop's collarSo the lady thinks that Snoop was stizzle foshizzle, but the cops think he just escapizzled. Interesting.
Catie Cryder had yet another good
column today. I especially liked her use of "Tipsy Tom, Drunken Dick, or Heroin High Harry." I'm all about the alliterative nicknames. I liked this story from the Pulse:
Fewer flushes
A Herald News reader called in with two useful water conservation tips last week.
To protect a new well he had dug for $4,000, his wife waters plants with moisture sucked out of the air by a dehumidifier.
And he urinates into a gallon jug until it's full to save on toilet flushes.
OK, so maybe it's one useful water conservation tip.If this was a bad children's movie from the early '90's (i.e. Problem Child), somebody would think that was lemonade and drink up. And in Open Line:
Check the sign
Can someone from the city please check the stop sign at Westminster and Mayfield. For about five days, it looks like a condom ishanging off of the stop sign. It doesn't look really good in the neighborhood. JolietIn case anyone was wondering, I did NOT write the
Open Line entry about the Northwestern girls in flip flops. I would NEVER refer to them as "floppies."
Hat rack
Our world is going to hell and some boob sits out there and complains about releasing butterflies. No wonder we're in such bad shape. No one is using their heads for anything more than an object on which to hang a hat. JolietWhat a Hoot
I notice The Herald News has taken to providing all of these nifty statistics about Evergreen Terrace. However, it has been 420 days and there's still no Hooters in Joliet. Let's bring on those chicken wings and some serious eating before football season. JolietI assume the choice of "420" wasn't arbitrary. Back to toilet humor:
And nothing but ...
There is one good thing about having brown lawns: If you have a pet, it does help to get the poop to blend in. ShorewoodMist a Spot
If there is anyone out there that wants their lawn watered, for a small fee, I'll bring over my Great Danes. They do a pretty good job of watering the grass. ShorewoodThere's been a lot more Hooters debates, of course, but the only highlight was someone suggesting a restaurant called "Weenies." Oh, and this one:
Butt out
In response to "Open for Business" July 29, this person finds it disgusting that restaurants promote people as sex objects, and slobbering men who call in about Hooters are animals. What about the ladies who go to Sugar Shack? This religious-right person should mind her own business and not tell people what to do. JolietWhere the hell is the Sugar Shack? Anyone?
Ok, I suppose I should tell stories of recent adventures. We'll go back a few weeks to Emily's Birthdaypalooza weekend, July 15-17. Friday night: Willy Wonka (amazing, as shocking as that was to the Gene Wilder fan in the bathroom at B&N) and Harry Potter release night (not as disturbing as the year before except for the faux British accented wandmakers in the magazine section). Saturday during the day was a dog show at a vet clinic on Republic (Melanie's parents' dog won Best Dressed) and the Wedding Crashers (also awesome, but I still like Old School better). Saturday was night one of Emily and Mike's Birthday celebration. Shannon, Joe, Nancy, Aaron, Melanie, Mike, Kelly, Brian and I headed up to Alumni Club in Schaumburg for our annual Strict Dress Code Fun Night. Everyone got in this time, even latecomer GnomeAttic Joe, who had issues with the code the year before. Apparently they're anti-sandals without ankle straps, but Mike was able to distract the fashion police with his stylish white pants and got in. However, some more frumpily dressed dudes outside bemoaned the fact that Mike got in sans straps. We hung out at our tables inside for a bit before heading out to the bigass beer garden. A new addition this year: Grillmaster Greta, who made hot dogs and hamburgers all night. I enjoyed a burger and bought Mike one for a birthday present. We did some dancing, which was especially fun due to the fact that the DJ was accompanied by a drummer. Nice touch, I don't think it would work at our local bars due to space though. Samy's would have to get rid of the stripper poles. After GnomeAttic Joe showed up with some friends, we ended up running into some dudes he knew from the Shorewood/Minooka area (Shonooka?) and playing several games of Flippy Cup in the beer garden. Good times all around, I was especially amused by an opponent named Mario, which caused me to make several jokes involving fireflowers/mushrooms/and underground music. All in all it was a fabulous celebration.
For the Sunday portion of the birthday weekend (which was my actual birthday), I did family stuff during the day, then headed out with Mike, Shannon, Joe, Wens, Court, Megan and Nance to Jameson's. It wasn't exactly a hotspot on Sundays, but we had a good time, though I can't remember any actual stories.
A few days after my birthday weekend I headed up to Wisconsin for a few days. Wisconsin never fails to disappoint with amusing stories, my favorite being the sign for an upcoming festival featuring a "Chicken Poop Contest." I have absolutely no idea what that means. My mom and aunt finally got to see Napoleon Dynamite, which led to them giggling as the waitress at one restaurant read off the potato choices but neglected to mention any "tots." We also saw a woman (picture soon) who was a dead ringer for Harry Caray at one restaurant. Good times all around.
Last weekend. . .Thursday night we went to Jameson's, shocker. It was packed and a good time, and people were actually dancing, quite the bonus. Amusing trend Wendy and I have noticed lately: girls who use fake voices when they say "excuse me." These girls may have normal voices, but when they pass by, their voices go up about five octaves. Scary!! Wacky characters included a woopitcher who kept insisting he remembered my name, but refused to tell me what it was. Smooth. Again, I need to update about nights out right after they happen so I can remember more stories.
Friday night was party night in Yorkville. I'd share the story, but it might be in the H-N soon and I don't want to ruin any surprises. Saturday evening I went with Shannon and Joe to Naperville. Suddenly a million new bars have opened in N-ville and I can't keep them all straight. We were going to check out some bar on Jefferson that was called Club (insert street number of bar here), but they had a one in-one out policy that wasn't flying with us. We went to Potter's for a while, where we spotted a man that looked remarkably like Mr. Sewell from JCA. We don't think it was him, but it could have been and we weren't in the mood to ask. John Sewell, if you find this page, was it you? I hope not, because I'd feel bad that I missed a chance to chat. Also amusing at Potter's: I watched a guy grooving at the bar until something dropped out of the sky and hit his face. He looked quite confused, then quickly addressed his friends about the unidentified flying object. I wish I had it on film. Afterward we went to Quigley's, where a nice lad named Mark asked if he could join our table and chatted with us about The OC, Harry Potter, and other topics dear to my heart. He didn't like Journey though. We decided to meet Mark and his friend Melissa over at Tapatios for some late night eats. The table we sat at was prime for people watching, but a group of rowdy older dudes that entered were hip to our ploy and made comments such as, "What are you looking at?" and, seriously, "Eat my ass pocket!" Again, don't know what that means.
Monday evening I ended up going out after class with friends from school. We ended up at Larsen's, where I hadn't been in about a year. Oddly enough, Larsen's was packed. On a Monday. Who knew? We encountered many a hilarious person, including a dude I nicknamed Tank Top Timmy due to his penchant for wifebeaters. I told Timmy about his nickname and he seemed to enjoy it. Also amusing: the number of "youthful operators," aka girls who looked to be 21 and under that were working their way around the bar. The funniest moment was when I was waiting in line for the bathroom and two of these lasses came out, letting me know that their friend would be out in a minute as she was "doing her hair." Doing her hair. At Larsen's. On a Monday. Personally I think showering is a big effort for Larsen's on a Monday. Anyway, Hairdo Harriet asked if I wanted to use the facilities while she fixed her hair, but I declined.
I believe that's it for now, I will be updating more often in the next few weeks, and I want to hear more about the "all new Sapphire" if anyone's been yet. Adios!